What is the most effective deodoriser for care homes?

What is the most effective deodoriser for care homes?

When it comes to choosing a deodorizer, it's essential to understand how different options compare in terms of their effectiveness, safety, and long-term benefits. Take a look below to understand the differences.


Masking Agents

These are effectively fragrances and air fresheners, providing a temporary solution by covering up unpleasant odours with more pleasant scents. However, they do not address the root cause of the odor and merely mask it. Masking agents are less effective in eliminating strong or persistent odours, as they only provide temporary relief that fades away over time, they aim to distract the olfactory senses and create the illusion of a fresh-smelling environment. However, this approach does not address the underlying cause of the odor, potentially leading to a false sense of cleanliness and can sometimes become an overload of scents.



Typically porous materials, that have the ability to attract and trap odor-causing molecules through a process called adsorption. The porous structure of absorbents provides a large surface area for odor molecules to adhere to, effectively removing them from the surrounding environment. Absorbents come in various forms, including powders, pellets, granules, or incorporated into air filters, odor control devices, or even fabric fresheners. But with this comes its limitations with its finite capacity becoming saturated and less effected due to the amount they can absorb so this doesn’t deal with all odours due to limited capacity and does not provide a permanent solution.


Enzyme-based deodorizers

These work through the breaking down of organic matter responsible for the odour. These deodorizers can be effective for certain types of odors, particularly those caused by organic substances are particularly effective in removing odors caused by organic matter, such as urine, faeces, food spills, and other biological substances. The enzymes in these deodorizers are specifically formulated to target and digest the organic molecules responsible for the odor, resulting in their complete elimination. However these deodorisers often require sufficient contact time with the odour source for optimal results


Chemical-based deodorizers

These contain harsh chemicals that chemically react with odor molecules to neutralize them, breaking down the molecules into non-odorous substances or altering their chemical structure to render them odourless. However chemical-based solutions can pose health risks due to the presence of toxic or irritating substances. Some chemicals used in these deodorizers can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can contribute to indoor air pollution and respiratory issues. It is essential to use chemical-based deodorizers in well-ventilated areas and follow safety precautions. Furthermore residues and stains on surfaces can be left after use which can become problematic when used on fabrics, carpets, or upholstery.


HOCL Sanitise Disinfect Deodorisers

HOCL tackles the root cause of the odor by neutralizing the organic compounds responsible for the unpleasant smell. This happens immediately on contact, so no contact time needed, saving time and increasing productivity. It also provides a permanent solution by completely eliminating the odour at its source. HOCL exhibits powerful antimicrobial properties, effectively neutralizing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores. This not only eliminates odors but also contributes to maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. Another benefit is that its non-toxic and non-irritating, making it safe for use around people and the environment. It does not leave behind harmful residues or pose health risks, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for everyone while tackling the biological, malodours, flooding and cooking odours and mould and mildew.


In conclusion, when considering different deodorizers for use in care homes or any other environment, it is essential to weigh their strengths and limitations, so I hope this has helped you to understand the differences.


Please reach out to us via email: www.sales@hoclhealth.co.uk for further information.

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